

Registration form

By subscribing to the Alert Service, you will receive in your e-mail alerts about GME's activities (events, seminars, etc.) and publications (newsletters, etc.) del Gestore dei Mercati Energetici S.p.A.
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(If you do not accept these Terms of Use and the clauses referred to in articles 1341 and 1342 of the Italian Civil Code, you will not be granted permission to use the “Alert” Service).
With reference to the above data privacy statement, which is issued under art. 13 of the Privacy Code and in connection with the specific purposes of the processing referred to in para. 3 above (“Purposes of the processing)”, we ask you to give your consent to the processing of your personal data by GME. The Data will be processed solely for the above-mentioned specific purposes, also in connection with activities which go beyond the performance of obligations arising from contractual relations with GME or anyway which are not strictly related to and required for such performance.